Exploring Pathways to Profit

So I have to be honest, when Pam and Scott first reached out to me to recruit me to join their team at Business Growthology (what a name right?!) I was cautiously curious. I’ve been sold by enthusiastic entrepreneurs before, and I have old baggage when it comes to organizations that say things like “we’re not selling, we’re enrolling our clients in a pathway to success.” It comes uncomfortably close to some cultish and MLM experiences that I do not wish to repeat. What I discovered, when I set aside my preconceptions and judgements, has me writing to you from a hopeful and excited headspace.

The community of coaches feels authentic and genuinely collaborative. The conversation at our daily meetings are heart centered and action oriented. And while this is definitely a pay-to-play business exchange, I continue to feel that the cost to be a part of the team is worth it. I have complete personal freedom to utilize my time as I choose. Since we are not employees, but kind of clients ourselves, I get to engage with the work honestly. Since I am also providing full time hospice care for my dad, I needed a work model that allows me to be completely flexible and prioritize his needs. Thus far they did not mislead me.

It’s still early, and I have a lot of training and networking to do before I can expect to see any profit myself, but in my current situation, this is just what I think in need to rebuild my confidence and help teach me some of the skills I was missing in prior business ventures.


HOW we play the games


Fortnite for “Grownups”